Race to the Top (retired)

“Race to the Top” (aka “Bazzgrove Challenge”) was a uniquely Helena event that took place just two times (10/16/07 & 10/22/08), but which imprinted lasting memories and left an important fundraising legacy. The event started as a friendly challenge between local cyclist / business-owner Eric Grove and local runner / business-owner Michele Bazzanella to see which athlete AND which mode of travel could most quickly “ascend” the northwest face of Mount Ascension (2006 Trail). Mr. Grove would prevail in this first contest (9:24 to 10:11). The second year of the event expanded to include full teams of seven “runny people” vs seven “wheelies” with a balanced mix of genders. When the dust cleared, the runners emerged victorious in the rematch (46:15 to 49:08 combined times for four fastest men’s times + top woman’s time). More importantly, the event raised an impressive $22,890 for the Prickly Pear Land Trust, and was colorfully captured by the Helena Independent Record (three articles below).

“Battle on Mount Ascension” Helena IR 10-18-07

“The Great Debate” Helena IR 10-9-08

“Race raises money, smack-talking” Helena IR 10-30-08